The Anderson Family

London, Arkansas

February 13, 2024 /
3 min read

My daughter attended public school in kindergarten and for a bit of first grade. But then Covid hit, and we switched to homeschool. I liked homeschooling her a lot better, but after I graduated college, she needed somewhere to attend because I started working. 

I didn’t want to lose all of the progress we’d worked so hard for in homeschool. It gave us the freedom to teach strong Christian morals, and we even incorporated studying the Bible into our curriculum. I also pushed her to learn more advanced lessons. 

I really wanted my daughter to attend Valley Christian to continue building a strong moral foundation and learning more advanced curriculum. My son was also moving into kindergarten, and I wanted him to attend as well.

Valley Christian has been great. The classrooms are small, but we love that because of the one-on-one interaction they get with the teacher. Both of my kids are shy and quiet, so it helps to be in a smaller classroom setting. My daughter is more comfortable opening up and participating in discussions, and so is my son.

At public school, my daughter was overwhelmed. There were just so many kids. And when Covid hit, I was extremely disappointed in how that situation was handled. My daughter was sent home, and the work we did at home was too simple. She was doing color sheets and learning how to add, but it was already the second semester. She should have been learning to subtract. I knew she needed to continue learning, or she would fall behind. Thankfully, we were able to catch up by switching to homeschool.

Our private school does a great job of continuing education even with our recent snow days. They send home really good work packets so the kids don’t fall behind. I like to see that even if we have to go a few days not in person, we can still continue the same level of learning.

Without Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs), I wouldn’t have been able to afford private school.

When I first looked into Valley Christian, I loved it and thought it would be best for my kids. But then I put together how much it would be per month. There was no way I could do it. I had to pay a giant amount upfront for supplies, curriculum, books, fees, and then add on monthly tuition. I quickly realized that I couldn’t afford it.

When I toured Valley Christian, I fell in love with the school. I thought it would be perfect for my family. I expressed concern about the price, and they let me know that the EFAs might be available for us. So I applied.

I’m so thankful, because the EFAs made it possible to send my daughter and my son to private school. We will continue using the program as long as it is available.”

Savannah Anderson

Arkansas mom, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and education freedom success story

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