1. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has prohibited states from removing people from Medicaid—even if they are ineligible. However, beginning April 1st, states are finally able to remove ineligible Medicaid enrollees. Do you support or oppose removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program as quickly as possible?

2. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that the State of Arkansas has been diligently reaching out to Medicaid enrollees to help them through the process and ensure they maintain their coverage if they are eligible?

3. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program as quickly as possible if you knew that doing so would free up resources for the truly needy?

4. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that many of these ineligible enrollees already qualify for free or low-cost health insurance?

5. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that most truly needy Arkansans on Medicaid—such as those who are elderly or have disabilities—will not lose coverage?

6. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that roughly half of likely ineligible enrollees are able-bodied adults?

7. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that doing so could free up resources for other priorities like public safety, transportation, education, or income tax reduction?

8. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that the quicker these enrollees are removed, the more money Arkansas taxpayers will save?

9. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that Medicaid is consuming nearly 30 percent of Arkansas’s budget?

10. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that Medicaid enrollment in Arkansas has increased by roughly 25 percent since the beginning of the pandemic to its current highest level ever?

11. Would you be more or less likely to support removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program if you knew that more than 420,000 Arkansans on Medicaid—or roughly 40 percent of the state’s total Medicaid enrollment—are likely ineligible?

12. After having heard more details about Arkansas’s Medicaid program, do you now support or oppose removing ineligible enrollees from Arkansas’s Medicaid program as quickly as possible?

Methodology statement: Results for these polls were collected by Opportunity Arkansas Foundation using an independent polling firm. The questions utilized a combination IVR survey, live calls, and online panel from a statewide sample of 517 voters, conducted April 26-28, 2023, with a margin of sampling error of ± 4.31 percentage points. The margin of sampling errors may be higher for subgroups. Results presented may not always appear to total 100 percent due to rounding. Data were post-stratified using weighted demographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement and the state election authorities. Demographic information for actual voters in past elections was used to construct sample target weights. Opportunity Arkansas Foundation paid for all costs associated with these surveys.