1. Do you support or oppose requiring school districts to notify the State of Arkansas of any substantiated allegations, arrests, or charges involving a teacher so these may be reflected in the state’s teacher licensing system?

2. Do you support or oppose creating an Arkansas workforce dashboard for job seekers to find available jobs and training in their region?

3. Do you support or oppose giving Arkansas students in grades three through eight an individual intervention plan if they fall behind in math?

4. Do you support or oppose increasing the minimum teacher salary in Arkansas from $36,000 a year to $50,000 a year?

5. Would you support or oppose expanding school safety measures in Arkansas, such as crisis response training and mental health awareness training?

6. Do you support or oppose providing free college tuition to teachers if they agree to teach in high-need subject areas or geographic areas in Arkansas for a certain number of years?

7. Do you support or oppose making it easier for school districts to terminate problematic teachers?

8. Do you support or oppose providing 12 weeks of paid maternity leave to Arkansas teachers?

9. Do you support or oppose offering Arkansas high school students dual track diplomas so they can take on high-paying jobs upon graduation?

10. Do you support or oppose a proposal to deploy 120 literacy coaches to help students in low-performing schools throughout Arkansas?

11. Do you support or oppose providing grants or similar support to Arkansas school districts and public charter schools that provide high-impact tutoring to their students?

12. Would you support or oppose allowing all Arkansas parents to use a portion of their tax dollars to enroll their kids in any school of their choice?

13. Do you support or oppose requiring Arkansas students to complete 75 hours of community service in order to graduate from high school?

14. Do you support or oppose giving young struggling readers in Arkansas a $500 literacy tutoring grant?

15. Do you support or oppose giving Arkansas school boards the option to partner with charter schools or similar entity to run their school if they are at risk of state takeover due to low performance?

16. Critical Race Theory teaches that America’s institutions and those that benefited from them are inherently rooted in racism. Do you support or oppose the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Arkansas’s schools?

17. Do you support or oppose teaching concepts like sexual reproduction, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other sexually explicit material in Arkansas schools in grades kindergarten through fourth grade?

Results for this poll were collected by Opportunity Arkansas Foundation using an independent polling firm. The questions utilized an IVR and live call survey from a statewide sample of 505 likely Arkansas voters, conducted February 13–15, 2023, with a margin of sampling error of ± 4.36 percentage points. The margin of sampling errors may be higher for subgroups. Results presented may not always appear to total 100 percent due to rounding. Data were post-stratified using weighted demographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement and the state election authorities. Demographic information for actual voters in past elections was used to construct sample target weights. Opportunity Arkansas Foundation paid for all costs associated with these surveys.