About Opportunity Arkansas

Our Mission

Renewing the Land of Opportunity by simplifying government and solving generational problems – for the next generation.

Our Strategy

Our Goals

Accelerate entry into the workforce and reduce the cost of work for all Arkansans.

Put students first and parents back in charge of education.

Infuse accountability into the Arkansas Parole Board and achieve justice for victims.

Protect Arkansas kids from the broken foster care system and preserve families.

Reduce the size and scope of state government.

Prioritize the truly needy in the welfare system.

Our Team

Nicholas Horton

Nicholas Horton

Founder & CEO

Hayden Dublois

Hayden Dublois

Visiting Economist

Leah Bull

Leah Bull

Operations & Development Director

J. Robertson

J. Robertson

Public Affairs Director

Hollis Wakefield

Hollis Wakefield

Public Relations Associate

Will Teeter

Will Teeter

Digital Media Fellow

Michaelah Billingsley

Michaelah Billingsley

Development Associate

Josh Ramirez

Josh Ramirez

Research Intern

Opportunity Arkansas Foundation Board of Trustees

Betty Jane Strong

Betty Jane Strong

David Fort

David Fort

Joseph Wood

Joseph Wood

Nicholas Horton

Nicholas Horton

Our Advisory Board

Dr. Gregory H. Bledsoe

Surgeon General for the State of Arkansas under Governor Asa Hutchinson

Akash Chougule

Vice President, Americans for Prosperity

John Nabholz

Arkansas businessman and investor

Will Rockefeller

Little Rock businessman, son of former Lt. Gov. Win Paul Rockefeller

James Franko

President, Kansas Policy Institute

Jonathan Small

President, Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

Debra Hobbs

Former Arkansas State Legislator

Fritz Steiger

Andrew Brown

Associate Vice President of Policy, Texas Public Policy Foundation

Kevin Tipton

Dreamline Manufacturing, Arkansas Career Education & Workforce Development board member

Ryan Walters

Oklahoma Secretary of Education, CEO of Every Kid Counts Oklahoma

Joseph Wood

Washington County Judge & former Deputy Secretary of State

Dr. Jim Carr

Former Executive Vice President,
Harding University

Bilenda Harris-Ritter

National victims’ rights advocate, former parole board member

Lance Kemper

Certified Physician Assistant and health care reform advocate

Grant Hodges

Board of Corrections Member and Former Arkansas State Legislator

Tommy Moll

Arkansas businessman

Charlotte Douglas

Former Arkansas State Legislator

Our Funding

Opportunity Arkansas is comprised of two distinct organizations: Opportunity Arkansas Action, a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization, and Opportunity Arkansas Foundation, a 501(c)(3) research organization.

Both groups are nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations that are privately funded by individuals, small business owners, and private foundations who believe in our mission to simplify government and solve generational problems.

To preserve our independence, neither organization accepts any taxpayer funding, nor do we perform contract research.

Gifts to Opportunity Arkansas Foundation is an approved 501(c)3 charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made by clicking HERE or by mail.

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